"To be a father or mother figure in a safe space, is something that is desperately needed for young people and makes such a powerful impact on their lives, in so many ways.”
In term 3 we had some additions to our Future Sparks programme. New tutors joined the team, as others had left us for other wonderful opportunities, like full-time jobs. It is sad for us to see the former tutors go, but this is also what we want for them. For us to be a springboard and an opportunity for growth and building of their CV, so they can advance in the world. Our new tutors are finding their place in the groups, and building their mentor relationships with our learners.

Our Program Managers Team has also had an addition, it is with great pleasure we welcome Roseline Booysen to our team! She is a wonderful addition to our team, being a mother to a Grade 9 learner herself, and living in Westlake. She coaches Netball for the girls, as well as having oversight during tutoring sessions.

Speaking of sports; soccer has always been a favourite at Future Sparks and this has continued throughout these terms. A soccer match ending in a draw was played against Westlake United at the end of term 3, which was hugely satisfying for everyone involved. A milestone was reached that all the coaches gathered for their first ever "Get Together", talking about the principles of coaching with a purpose.
We're so grateful for the partnerships we have cultivated these past months. They provide us with exciting opportunities for our learners. We want to thank each and every one of them for partnering with us.
"It is only in partnership and community that anyone can thrive."
A special gratitude goes out to Reddam House Constantia, who provide classrooms and fields for sports four days a week, the whole year round, a very special gift for the learners, to get out of Westlake, into a very different ‘world’, which is right around the corner from them. To be in a place of peace, trust and beauty, conducive for learning, and growth.
The Westlake Primary Grade 7 learners, have had several people joining them for their Tuesday afternoon sessions. Brandon Solomon from Limitless Movement, has come with all his dance moves with a message. And a group of Norwegian Bible School Students came to bless with a message of love and forgiveness for each other.

September was a hugely busy month for our extracurricular programme. To start off the learners had a FUN DAY arranged in collaboration with Reddam.
In September the grade 9 to 11 learners, went to the CCFM Career Expo at the Waterfront.
A partnership with CCFM has developed, making it possible to keep doing this year after year. It exposes our learners to career opportunities that they might not have considered before, and also gives them a view outside of their own world of Westlake and their high schools.
We were able to do our yearly police clearances for those who were due for those in September. That also is done through a continuous partnership with Shenick Visser from Scripture Union South Africa.

The Grade 8's went on the yearly outing to the Two Oceans Aquarium in September. Showing all the amazing and curious life that lives in our oceans, and taking to the Waterfront, for many of them for the first time in their lives.
The Western Cape Provincial Parliament has been an especially wonderful new addition to our partnerships. They provided a bus to take the learners from Grade 8 to 11 to the Western Cape Parliament, giving them a taste of the real workings of Government, including a mock debate and a presentation. They provided everything for the learners, including some yummy food.
Western Cape Parliament outing and mock trial
Our wonderful tutors were thanked at the annual tutor dinner, which once again took place at Jakes for Burger Night, enjoyed by all as usual!
As a Program manager team we took the time to reflect on the year with a SWOT analysis and goal formulation for next year. We thank Mark Slessenger from the CHS Life Centre for facilitating that.
We did our yearly stationery collection. And for the second year running two Grade 6 girls from Kirstenhof Primary School (KPS) did a stationery local collection among their school peers. We are so grateful to these girls who have a vision beyond their own community at such a young age. A collection was also done through the Kirstenhof Community Business Network for the same. We are grateful that business owners are also of the same mind as these young girls.
Once the collection was complete, the girls from KPS came and helped us to build the stationery packs, for the Grade 7's at Westlake Primary School. These were handed out during their Grade 7 Graduation and prize giving on the 6th of December.

The stationery packs for the grade 8 to 11 learners, was done by the tutors, and those were handed out during the Year End Celebration for all our learners that this year was held at the Zandvlei, in total we handed out 168 stationery packs this year.

And just as we thought everything was done and dusted, just before Christmas we received a donation of school shoes, donated by learners from Sweet Valley Primary. These were dropped off at Westlake United Church Trust (WUCT) in Westlake, which we always love to partner with.
We would love to thank everyone who has been involved in any way, in or for Future Sparks. We could not do it without you. We thank our financial partners, through whom this work continues to be made possible every day, every week, every month.
